donderdag 24 mei 2007

Trent Reznor = toppie!

Het volledige interview vindt U hier.

Een uittreksel:

On the other hand, you got record labels that are doing everything they can to piss people off and rip them off. I created a little issue down here because the first thing I did when I got to Sydney is I walk into HMV, the week the record's out, and I see it on the rack with a bunch of other releases. And every release I see: $21.99, $22.99, $24.99. And ours doesn't have a sticker on it. I look close and 'Oh, it's $34.99'. So I walk over to see our live DVD Beside You in Time, and I see that it's also priced six, seven, eight dollars more than every other disc on there. And I can't figure out why that would be.

Well, in Brisbane I end up meeting and greeting some record label people, who are pleasant enough, and one of them is a sales guy, so I say "Why is this the case?" He goes "Because your packaging is a lot more expensive". I know how much the packaging costs -- it costs me, not them, it costs me 83 cents more to have a CD with the colour-changing ink on it. I'm taking the hit on that, not them. So I said "Well, it doesn't cost $10 more". "Ah, well, you're right, it doesn't.

Basically it's because we know you've got a core audience that's gonna buy whatever we put out, so we can charge more for that. It's the pop stuff we have to discount to get people to buy it. True fans will pay whatever"

And I just said "That's the most insulting thing I've heard. I've garnered a core audience that you feel it's OK to rip off? F--- you'. That's also why you don't see any label people here, 'cos I said 'F--- you people. Stay out of my f---ing show. If you wanna come, pay the ticket like anyone else. F--- you guys". They're thieves. I don't blame people for stealing music if this is the kind of s--- that they pull off."

Major labels are for suckers. De voornaamste taken van een major:

1. Distributie: sinds de opkomst van iTunes, myspace, purevolume etc. is het perfect mogelijk om je muziek gewoon zélf aan de man te brengen zonder je rechten over te dragen aan een label. Je bereikt er meestal nog een veel grotere doelgroep mee ook. De dalende cd-verkoop geeft mij gelijk. Digital music is the way to go.

2. Promotie: zie boven. Het internet neemt de taak over van de muziekzenders (die tegenwoordig slechts by accident nog eens een clip uitzenden). Het enige probleem dat zich nog stelt is: hoe val ik op in de gigantische massa van bands? BE CREATIVE. Een kutgroepje als OK GO werd wereldberoemd door een video die bestond uit de groep die wat dansjes deed op een paar treadmills. You can do that too!

Niet onbelangrijk: they really don't give a shit about you. De verhalen over groepen wiens album niet wordt uitgebracht wegens te weinig potentiële hits zijn legio. Universal wil de RECHTEN KOPEN van o.a. Coldplay en Justin Timberlake (die hadden ze zelf overgedragen aan BMG) maar de Europese Commissie had bezwaren: geen nood, we gaan wat andere artiesten VERKOPEN aan een ander label zodat we voldoen aan de antitrustwetgeving. Je bent als major artist gewoon koopwaar, een melkkoe die van de ene dag op de andere kan verkocht worden zonder dat men naar jouw mening vraagt.

Misschien ben ik dom en naïef, maar ik zou als muzikant nooit zo willen behandeld worden. Trent blijkbaar ook niet, en ik hoop dat er links en rechts misschien wat ogen en oren zullen open gaan.

Nog een muzikale tip:

2 opmerkingen:

P zei

Kick back watch it crumble
See the drowning, watch the fall
I feel just terrible about it
That's sarcasm, let it burn

I'm gonna make a toast when it falls apart
I'm gonna raise my glass above my heart
Then someone shouts "That's what they get!"

For all the years of hit and run
For all the piss broke bands on VH1
Where did all, their money go?
Don't we all know

Parasitic music industry
As it destroys itself
We'll show them how it's supposed to be

Music written from devotion
Not ambition, not for fame
Zero people are exploited
There are no tricks, up our sleeve

Gonna fight against the mass appeal
We're gonna kill the 7 record deal
Make records that have more than one good song
The dinosaurs will slowly die
And I do believe no one will cry
I'm just fucking glad I'm gonna be
There to watch the fall

Prehistoric music industry
Three feet in la brea tar
Extinction never felt so good

If you think anyone would feel badly
You are sadly, mistaken
The time has come for evolution
Fuck collusion, kill the five

Whatever happened to the handshake?
Whatever happened to deals no-one would break?
What happened to integrity?
It's still there it always was
For playing music just because
A million reasons why

(All) dinosaurs will die
(All) dinosaurs will die
(All) dinosaurs will die

Kickass Records, we are showing them how it's supposed to be

GW zei

Quote Mario: "Isseh Niceh Interehview". Nu enkel hopen dat nog wat andere artiesten dat soort dingen in interviews beginnen te vermelden. Liefst op mtv en dergelijke. En dan nog wat valse hoop koesteren dat ze dat er niet uit knippen.