woensdag 20 december 2006


Fijn fijn, alweer een mp3-blogje. Geen volledige albums, enkel afzonderlijke nummers die hopelijk naar meer smaken. Met af en toe misschien een diepzinnige bespiegeling over koffie. Because I'm a man who loves his coffee. O ja, ik studeer rechten. Deal with it.

Anyhoo, hier het allereerste klankenspel: "Sluttering (May 4th)" van de onvolprezen indie/emo band Jawbreaker.

Hoewel ik mij ervan bewust ben dat de term "emo" tegenwoordig veel mensen spontaan naar de kotsemmer doet grijpen, dit door onwelriekend tuig zoals My Chemical Romance en Panic at the Disco, ligt deze groep eerder in het verlengde van groepen als Hüsker Dü en Nirvana (ten tijde van Nevermind waren ze zelfs tourbuddies!).

"Sluttering" komt uit het album "Dear you", hun eerste album op een major label. Die overstap werd hen uiteraard niet in dank afgenomen door de "punk police", en het album werd maar koeltjes onthaald. Ten onrechte!

Luister zelf

Flattered that you think I warrant ugliness.
Gutters drain west, mud made a mess of us.
It's time to leave this place.
I'd saw through your wrist to find a better trap that fits.
I'd saw through your traps to find a better you.
A part of you that lasts.
I saw through your trap and into my own wrists.
Saw we were through, red ribbons spill to blue:
A sight to sore your eyes.

I got this dress.
I'm hiking it around this waste of laughter.
Slow dance alone with no one to the sound of four hands clapping.
Congratulations to you both, I hope you're happy.
If there's a moral to this story then I wish you'd show me.

Hair in the blood, fly in the disappointment.
Rubber, I'm glue.
I'll write the book on you.
It's sticking to my face.
You need a little less than what you take for granted.
This is the sip that's drinking back from you,
Blacking out your eyes.
You need a little more suppression of you appetites.
This is your honeymoon, in separate rooms,
It's neither sweet nor bright.

I made a word to give this state a name, this game a guess.
I call it "sluttering."
It means as little as your little test.
You are your worst revenge.
Your very means, they have no ends.
This is a story you won't tell the kids we'll never have.
If you hear this song a hundred times it still won't be enough.

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